Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Monday, January 4, 2010

Moving Right Along!

     Today, I got the vet letter saying that Katey's little dog won't pose a threat to a child.  After that, Katey and I went to the doctor because she is required to have a physical, too.  I hate putting her through that, but because she's here on weekends and her driver's license has our address, we have to get all the clearances and paperwork done for her, too. It was too late to change her address to her apartment address.
Anyway, for some reason, two of my children do not have good veins for drawing blood.  It's always an ordeal!  They stuck her hand 3 times today and did not succeed in getting a drop. We are going back tomorrow.  Brett is also getting checked out by the doctor, since he is leaving for London in a week. They told her to drink lots of water, and they're going to try running her hand under warm water.  They absolutely cannot find good ones in her arms.  Hopefully, they will succeed tomorrow without digging and sticking more than once.
     We have everything together for the homestudy to be completed now, except the reference letters and the Mississippi clearances and the physical form for Katey. Texas, Louisiana, South Carolina, Iowa, and Kentucky have all sent their clearances.  Once we get this physical done for Katey and those things arrive, hopefully, we'll be able to file for USCIS approval! When that arrives, we can send our dossier to China!  I'm anxious to get everything done!! I need to build a timeline of everything so that others can reference it.  I'll work on that in a day or two.
    Brett has several friends from college coming to visit for a few days. I'll be praying for their safety driving up here with this weather.


Allison said...

I just stumbled upon your blog. We are also in Kentucky. Raeanna is beautiful and I can't wait to follow your journey!
I hope you receive an update on her surgery soon.